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Business Operations & Structure

Build for Scale: Optimizing Business Structure

Having a successful business requires more than just providing a great product or service. It also involves making strategic decisions about how to structure and scale the business for long-term, sustainable growth. 

Are you prepared to take your business to the next level? Do you want to ensure it can scale quickly and easily as your customer base grows? As businesses grow and evolve, their structure in terms of processes, tools, leadership, teams, and more must be tweaked to enable them to scale effectively. Building for scale involves implementing changes that ensure the business can grow efficiently with minimal effort and cost. 

Having a balance between structure and flexibility is key to successful scaling. This ensures that changes are implemented quickly while maintaining quality control. Each element of the business needs to be examined when implementing changes to ensure they can be optimized for efficient scaling. 

By examining each component of the business under a magnifying glass of optimization success criteria business structures can become ready for scale activity quickly and efficiently with a minimal difference from current operations or core values disruption making sure companies don’t sacrifice quality while growing faster than ever before!

Are you a business owner and not sure of the next step to take in building your business, consult us today 

Defining Business Structure

Before embarking on an optimization effort, it is important to develop a thorough understanding of the business structure. Furthermore, there must be clarity around the goals and vision of the organization. Without this, there is a risk that resources and efforts are not used in alignment with growth objectives. The business structure involves how a company organizes operations, tasks, departments/functions, and reports. This can often be complex with multiple layers within each area of the organization. The following key components should be considered when looking to build for scale:

Organizational Design: This comprises 3-4 elements depending on organizational size. The overall design should take into account individual talents, organizational goals, and mission statements. Elements include hierarchy, job roles, and responsibility distribution as well as collaboration structures across teams or functions. 

Company Structure: This covers all aspects of how a company operates such as policies/processes, IT systems, legal entity structure, and reporting lines right up to the board level. It should be reviewed end-to-end to understand inefficiencies or opportunities for improvement so resources can be after strategically allocated groups or departments where the maximum impact would be achieved quickly through optimization efforts. 

Facilitation Support: This involves having someone from outside the organization who brings an objective ‘fresh eyes’ view but also has experience working strategically with business owners/leadership teams; this could involve resource planning or budget allocation expertise etc based on their specific domain knowledge and insights they can offer from working with other clients in similar space or with similar challenges or requirements you may have now or have in the future that need to factor into your setup now. 

Operational efficiency: Key performance indicators should always be monitored; this includes customer service timeframes right through to sales cycles timescales and any various metrics related to financial performance focusing largely on revenue and costs structures both operating expenses and capital expenditure models; leading managing indicators must always be checked regularly seeking improvements on ROI metrics returns form all initiatives taken & deployed new products services markets wherever necessary seeking better returns from bottom line leveraging today’s most advanced technologies available in marketplace hence deploying best practices available in sector straight away for quickest turnarounds promoting growth success formula.

Benefits of Optimizing Business Structure 

Organizations of any size can benefit from proactively streamlining the way their internal operations are structured. 

·       Optimizing your business structure can help you maximize efficiency and provide a foundation for sustained growth by allowing you to scale up quickly when needed.

·       It allows you to streamline reporting and communication flows. This helps employees stay better focused on their assignments, as well as gives them more ownership over their work. 

·       It enables scalability when expansion is necessary or desired. Instead of having to start from scratch each time you need to add a new product line or service, by constructing a flexible structure that is capable of growing along with the demand for your services or products, you will be able to quickly tailor the associated processes to service the newly acquired markets or customer base. 

·       Relationships between different parts of your organization will become clearer when viewed through the lens of an optimized structure and streamlined processes — which can help reduce friction between various departments and increase collaboration between key players involved in each project. This will make it easier for teams working on large initiatives to come together quickly.

·       Finally, optimizing your business structure promotes professional development opportunities for employees since they have greater ownership over their roles within the company’s hierarchy — they are granted more freedom and autonomy while taking part in decision-making processes related to company goals. 

Challenges to Building for Scale 

As with any business endeavor, scaling up operations comes with its own set of challenges. When scaling up operations, the primary considerations should include:

Expansion strategies: How will your organization expand and how will you manage this growth? Will you open new locations, use third-party vendors or outsource some services?

Implementation of technologies: Scaling requires organizations to better utilize available technologies and stay ahead of technological advances that may impact their business. 

Employee management: As staff numbers grow, organizations must be able to effectively manage employee engagement, communication, and productivity. 

Systems optimization: Organizations should be sure that their operating systems are properly optimized for scale to ensure infrastructure is resilient and able to handle increased workloads. 

-Process improvements: As businesses scale, it can often require reworking existing systems and processes to maintain efficiency. Organizations need to invest time into streamlining processes so that their operations run smoothly as they grow larger.

Strategies to Overcome Challenges 

No matter what size your business is, scalability is an important factor for success. To grow a successful business, you must have strategies in place to overcome these scalability challenges.

The most effective way to address scalability issues is to be proactive rather than reactive. If you anticipate growth and establish a plan in advance of the shift in demand or size of the customer base, you’re likely to find success. At its core, scaling an organization successfully involves both developing the right systems and adjusting your organization’s structure on an ongoing basis. There are several strategies you can use to ensure that your business is effectively able to manage increased demand: 

– Identify areas that need improvement: Identifying potential bottlenecks and areas where further optimization can be made will help you maximize efficiency when increasing your capacity. 

– Automate processes: By using automated workflows whenever possible throughout the organization, manual tasks can be eliminated freeing up time for employees who can then focus on other areas of the operation requiring their attention. 

Hire staff selectively: When new positions are created or existing ones need to be filled, make sure they are essential roles within your company rather than just warm bodies. Careful selection of the right personnel increases productivity while reducing overhead costs as a staff is added to handle unexpected shifts in demand or backlogs of orders/inquiries that may arise. 

Find synergies between departments – Leverage team strengths across departments if possible when making changes or adding new roles so employees feel supported throughout all aspects of their work life instead of feeling isolated in certain areas due to lack of resources or guidance from others with more knowledge/experience specific functions within their role or wider organization.  

Engage customers with surveys: Understanding what customers think about your product or service helps inform decisions about scaling operations as well as provides valuable insights into how operations may need adjusting from time to time over worldwide customer satisfaction ratings affect brand reputation overall thus encouraging loyalty through understanding user needs quickly before any bottlenecks arise out adversely affecting experience potentially leading them away from product usage altogether.

Implementing an Optimized Business Structure 

Implementing an optimized business structure is an integral part of creating a successful business. It can ensure efficient use of resources and help reduce operational costs while maximizing returns. This includes making sure that the structure meets the needs of the company’s current business goals and objectives while providing the necessary flexibility to meet future objectives and changes in the market.

Optimizing your business structure begins by identifying your team’s roles, responsibilities, strengths, and weaknesses within your organization. This can help you define job descriptions and ensure that each role is filled with individuals who are best suited for those roles. The size and nature of your organization should also be taken into account when deciding whether to decentralize or centralize authority within it. After analyzing these factors, companies should create a suitable organizational chart consisting of various departments or divisions.

The company should also take into account legal regulations associated with certain divisions when designing its structure. Companies should adhere to any existing regulations such as those related to monetary transactions or ethical hiring standards when determining appropriate levels of authority across different sections of their organization. By aligning their organizational priorities with legally mandated guidelines, businesses can better utilize resources and make sound decisions that adhere to industry regulations while safeguarding content’s best interests. 

Measuring the Impact of Optimizing Business Structure 

With the growth of business complexity and increasing competition, it is becoming more important than ever for companies to ensure that they build and maintain efficient business structures. By optimizing their operations and processes, businesses can improve scaling, reduce inefficiencies, and ultimately increase profit margins.

The best way to measure the impact of optimizing business structure is to look at the outcomes that result from it, such as improved customer service, faster time-to-market, better resource utilization, or increased product quality. Each company must determine its own individual goals for any optimization initiative but understanding what the result should be will help guide its implementation. 

In addition to measuring outcomes, businesses can also track performance indicators related to their efforts around optimization. 

Overall, successful measurement of the impact of optimizing business structure requires that companies define clearly defined objectives and understand how they will measure success towards those objectives. With this information in hand, businesses can track performance while managing risk in pursuit of creating a more effective organization.

In conclusion, building for scale is a critical part of the business growth process. It involves developing and refining an organizational structure that is agile, efficient, and can handle rapidly changing market conditions. As business leaders, understanding the importance of building for scale and how to optimize the structure of a business can help create a strong foundation for long-term success. Organizations should consider streamlining operations and introducing new technologies to ensure scalability.

It is crucial to consider the type of business you are leading and the strategies that will help it grow. To optimize your organization for scale, consider restructuring your fundamental business model. Additionally, taking the time to review processes and systems can help identify areas of inefficiency and redundancy – streamlining these operations will help reduce overall costs, enabling you to focus on customer-centric solutions. Investment in training staff also plays an essential part in being scale ready since they should be proactive in dealing with change. By taking the right steps now, your business can be ready to assemble resources quickly while continuing to meet quality standards and customer needs at every stage of growth.  Visit us at:

Analysis & Insight

Why Is Your Business Failing?

If you’re like most business owners, you’re probably wondering why your business is failing. Well, there are a few reasons why businesses fail, and we’re here to help you figure out what’s causing your business to fail.

In order to succeed in business, you need to stay up-to-date with your industry. If you’re not keeping up with the latest trends, you’re likely to fall behind your competitors. Also you need to reach your target market and promote your products or services effectively.

Another crucial element of running a successful business is proper financial management. If you’re not keeping track of your income and expenses, it’s Lack of a clear business model.

There are several reasons why businesses fail. One of the most common reasons that businesses fail is because they don’t have a clear business model. Without a clear business model, it’s very difficult to make money and sustain long-term growth.

There are a few key components to a solid business model:

·       A clearly defined target market: You need to know who your target market is and what needs or wants you can fill for them.

·       A pricing strategy: You need to have a pricing strategy that allows you to make a profit on each sale.

·       A plan for generating revenue: You need to have a plan for generating revenue, whether it’s through selling products or services, advertising, or some other method.

·       A plan for expenses: You need to have a plan for covering your expenses so that you don’t run into financial trouble down the road.

·       A path to profitability: You need to have a clear path to profitability so that you can sustain your business over the long term.

If you don’t have a clear business model, it’s very likely that your business will fail at some point down the road. So if you’re not sure what your business model is, now is the time to figure it out!

Lack of a clear value proposition

Your business may be failing because you lack a clear value proposition. A value proposition is a statement that explains what your business does and why your products or services are valuable to customers. It should be clear, concise, and persuasive. Without a strong value proposition, it will be difficult to attract and retain customers.

In developing a strong value proposition, First, you need to understand your target market and what they value most. Then, you need to clearly communicate what your business does and how it delivers value. Finally, you need to continuously test and refine your value proposition to make sure it is still relevant and effective.

If you are not sure how to develop a strong value proposition for your business, there are many resources available online or you can seek out professional help. However, developing a clear value proposition is essential for any business that wants to succeed.

We have experts at EZAdvisory that can assist you in building a well grounded value proposition, book a free call with us today.

Ineffective marketing

If you’re not reaching your target audience, it’s impossible to make sales and grow your business.

There are a few different ways to market your business, and it’s important to find the right mix for your company. Traditional methods like print ads, TV commercials, and radio spots can be expensive and difficult to measure. Meanwhile, younger consumers are increasingly tuned out to these methods and more likely to be reached through digital channels like social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO).

It can be hard to know where to start when it comes to marketing, but if you’re not seeing results from your current efforts, it may be time to try something new. Consider working with a marketing agency that can help you create a comprehensive plan and target your audience more effectively.

 Poor product or service

If your customers are not happy with what you’re offering, they’re not going to stick around for long. In order to succeed, you need to make sure that you’re offering a product or service that people actually want. Take some time to research your target market and find out what they’re looking for. Once you know what they want, you can start working on creating a product or service that meets those needs.

It’s also important to make sure that your product or service is of high quality. If it’s not, people will quickly become disappointed and they’ll take their business elsewhere. Make sure that you’re always striving to improve the quality of your offerings so that you can keep your customers happy.

Inefficient operations

Operational inefficiencies can doom a business, no matter how innovative or well-run it is otherwise. Inefficiency often manifests itself in wasted time, money and resources, which can lead to unhappy customers, disgruntled employees and ultimately, a decline in profits.

There are many causes of operational inefficiency, but some of the most common include:

·       Poorly designed processes: If your processes are poorly designed, it’s likely that they will be inefficient and lead to waste. Processes should be designed with the customer in mind and should be as streamlined as possible.

·       Lack of standardization: Lack of standardization can lead to confusion and errors, which can waste time and money. Standardizing processes can help to eliminate waste and improve efficiency.

·       Ineffective communication: Poor communication can lead to miscommunication and misunderstandings, which can cause delays and errors. Effective communication is essential for efficient operations.

·       Inefficient workflows: If workflows are inefficient, it can lead to bottlenecks and waste. Workflows should be designed to be as efficient as possible to avoid waste and maximize productivity.

Poor customer service

One of the most common reasons businesses fail is poor customer service. If your customers are not happy with the way they are being treated, they will take their business elsewhere. It is essential to make sure that your customer service is top-notch if you want to keep your business afloat.

There are a few key things to keep in mind when it comes to providing excellent customer service. First, you need to make sure that your employees are properly trained and know how to handle customer inquiries and complaints. Secondly, you need to make sure that your customers feel valued and appreciated. Thank them for their business and show them that you are interested in their feedback. Finally, you need to be responsive to customer inquiries and complaints. Do not ignore them or brushing them off. Address the issue head-on and try to resolve it as quickly as possible.

If you can provide excellent customer service, you will be well on your way to success.

High overhead cost

The biggest reason that businesses fail is because of high overhead costs. This can be for a number of reasons, including renting or leasing a space that is too large, hiring too many employees, or having inventory that is not moving.

If your overhead costs are too high, it will eat into your profits, and eventually you will not be able to sustain your business. There are a few ways to fix this problem, including reducing your rental costs by moving to a smaller space, letting go of some employees, or moving to a cheaper location. Another option is to increase your prices, but this should be done carefully so that you do not lose customers. You can also try to sell off some of your inventory, or change the way that you do business so that you need less inventory on hand. Whatever you do, it is important to get your overhead costs under control so that you can succeed in business.

Poor financial management

One of the leading causes of small business failure is poor financial management. In fact, a staggering 82% of businesses that fail do so because they don’t have enough money to sustain themselves.

There are a number of reasons why poor financial management can lead to the demise of a small business, but the most common one is simply that the business owner doesn’t have a good handle on their finances. This can leads to overspending, late payments, and ultimately, bankruptcy.

To avoid this pitfall, it’s crucial that small business owners take the time to learn about financial management and make sure they’re keeping on top of their finances. This includes creating and sticking to a budget, understanding cash flow, tracking expenses, and always being prepared for unexpected costs. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your small business has a solid foundation—and a better chance at success.

Whatever the reason, if your business is failing, it is important to take a step back and figure out what is going on so you can make necessary changes. 

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Business Structure

Components of a successful business growth strategy

In order to have a successful business growth strategy, there are several key components that must be in place. These components are market research, planning, financial analysis, sales strategies, and human resources. All of these pieces must work together in order for the business to be successful.  If one of these components is lacking, it can throw off the entire strategy and growth potential for the business.

A company’s growth strategy is the plan it uses to increase its revenues.

In order to achieve business growth, you need to have a solid strategy in place. But what exactly are the components of a successful business growth strategy?

Here are a few key components:

·       Identifying new markets and opportunities

·       Developing a clear value proposition

·       Creating a sales and marketing plan

·       Putting together the right team

Defining your target market

As a business owner, it’s important that you take the time to define your target market. This will help you determine where to allocate your resources and how to craft your marketing message.

Your target market is the group of people most likely to buy your product or service. When defining your target market, consider factors such as age, location, gender, income level, and interests. You can further segment your target market by identifying sub-groups with needs that are not being met by your competition.

Once you have defined your target market, you can create a marketing strategy that is tailored to their specific needs. This will help you attract new customers and grow your business.

Conducting market research

Any business strategy should be based on a thorough understanding of the market in which the business operates. Market research can help you to understand your customers, your competitors, and the general environment in which your business operates.

There are many different methods of conducting market research, including surveys, focus groups, interviews, and analysis of secondary data. You should choose the methods that are most appropriate for your business and your goals.

Once you have collected your data, it is important to analyze it carefully in order to identify patterns and trends. This analysis will help you to develop insights into the needs and preferences of your target market, and to identify opportunities and threats in your competitive environment.

The three Cs of business growth strategies

The three Cs of business growth strategies are consistency, creativity, and conversion.

·       Consistency is key in any growth strategy; without consistency, it is difficult to maintain or increase market share. Consistency is important in order to maintain and grow a customer base.

·       Creativity is also important in growth strategies, to generate new ideas and products that will appeal to customers. It can help a company differentiate itself from its competitors and better meet the needs of its target market.

·       Conversion is important in order to convert potential customers into actual paying customers. It allows a company to convert leads into customers.

All three of these factors are important in order to generate growth within a business.

The three keys to unlocking business growth

There are three key factors that contribute to business growth:

·       Product Innovation refers to the introduction of new products, services, or processes. Product innovation refers to introducing new products or services that address unmet customer needs.  It is the key to sustaining a competitive advantage and driving growth.

·       Market Expansion involves increasing the scale of operations. Its entails increasing the reach of your products and services to new geographical markets or new customer segments. This can be done through expanding into new markets or opening new locations.

·       Diversification is the process of expanding into new business areas.

In conclusion, a company’s growth strategy is a critical component of its success. By identifying and capitalizing on opportunities, a company can ensure its continued growth and profitability. While there are many factors to consider when developing a growth strategy, the most important are market analysis, product/service differentiation, and customer acquisition and retention. With a sound growth strategy in place, a company can confidently pursue its goals and achieve long-term success.

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Business Efficiency


It is a new world order, thanks to the impact of covid-19 on all spheres of life. Not left out of this is the business sector, the business landscape is rapidly changing and impacted by new technology. Yesterday’s market leaders have found themselves in the battle for their survival, with only two options, evolve or die. Let me expatiate this by scenarios by the tale of two photo companies, Kodak and Fujifilm. 

These two companies in their right dominated the analog photo industry, however, digital photography emerged and impacted the two companies, Kodak, was late to respond to the emergent threat to its business sphere, and without any other alternative the company filed for bankruptcy in the year 2012. Selling most of its patent to companies such as Apple, Samsung, HTC, Adobe, among others. Fujifilm on the other hand was quick to react to the emerging change to its market space, diversifying into different technologies, including medical space, the example of this is venturing into X-rays and digital medical photography. This quick response to change afforded Fujifilm not only to survive the digital photography tsunami but also to thrive with a market capitalization of $35bn. 

Although, in major parts of the world, economies have been reopened and Covid-19 lockdown measures have been relaxed (Social distancing is still intact). Businesses still need to adapt to the aftermath of the crisis that defined the new era. These are the major trends that will most likely impact business going forward into the new decade:

  1. Online Presence

2. Human Resource

3. Customer Service Relationships

4. Financing

5. Digital Transformation

Online Presence: A resultant effect of the new normal is the shift of businesses towards the online world, for example, digital retail businesses worldwide saw an increase in their revenue. Amazon saw an increase in revenue by 38% year on year, while in Africa Jumia saw an increase in gross profit by 12%.

Most companies are already putting in place systems that entrench their digital presence, since the lifting of lockdown restrictions worldwide, digital infrastructure services have continued to grow and will be utilized for a long time to come. As such, the new normal of acceleration and implementation of digital technology worldwide has come to stay.

Human Resource: As a result of the pandemic there has been a great change to the way we work. All the reservations against working from home that had existed have been cleared. Future-ready companies are putting in place systems that allow their employees to access work systems remotely and work efficiently from home. Human behavior has also changed as people are now reluctant to fully return to their pre-COVID work pattern. A caveat, although employees desire flexibility, they do not necessarily wish to work from home all the time. A good consequence of working from home is that it has been good for the environment as global emissions dropped significantly. This has spurred the interest for a global green economic recovery and we should see an increased interest in sustainable business models.

Customer Service Relationships: Another trend that will impact businesses going forward is customer service. The collection of data will enable organizations to anticipate customer needs and pain points, while responsive companies will leverage the data got to increase customer growth and satisfaction. Customer service should be premium, as customers expect good service from businesses. Therefore, more and more companies will strive to hold on to their customers while trying their best to steal the customer base of their competitors. 

Conclusively, a forward-thinking organization’s customer service is not just about being a listening ear, customers service must think out of the box providing solutions to problems customers did not know they have, keep customers comfortable with your company by showing how valuable they are to you via bonuses and rewards. Remember customers are the building blocks to the bright future you have envisioned.

Digital Transformation: Digitization of business comes with its gains. Some immediate wins include reduction in the recurrent operating cost of the business, improved customer experience as well as increased revenues. The cost of pivoting to digital alternatives in the organization is also material, and costly. However, not adapting processes to the rapidly changing business environment driven by technology is more expensive and could ultimately lead to the demise of the organization. You must be ready to navigate the maze of technology and business innovation to stay ahead.

For example, Nike, when realized that overall performance has started to be sluggish, they did a digital transformation of their supply chain and brand to connect more with customers, using data analytics and direct customer engagement they achieved greater growth. Similarly, Audi transformed its traditional showrooms into a modern digital experience through integrating architecture and technology, this led to a 60% increase in its revenue. 

Financing: The fact is the pandemic has depleted the cash reserves of so many businesses. For many businesses loans is not an option after having suffered a financial shortfall due to the pandemic. Therefore, alternative lenders or investors should be the approach of needed funds for businesses. Grants and government funding, peer-to-peer lending, crowdfunding, and angel investors are avenues businesses should also look into to solve the cash needs organizations will need in the coming decade. Dear business owner, in the coming decade businesses have to be a lot more responsive, detailed and strategic. Wouldn’t you want to have a stake in the future? Get a business evaluation of the current year, to propel your business with a firm footing in the future. Want to talk about getting your business future-ready, reach out to us via mail: or call +234 701 214 0254

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