We Are a Business Growth Service    Partner You Can Trust

Getting growth right for your business/startup/venture/personal brand can be daunting. We bring the intersection of strategy, marketing, technology and data to increase your customer base, revenue and profit.

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We are a Business Growth Service Partner You Can Trust!

Getting growth right for your business/startup/venture/personal brand can be daunting. We bring the intersection of strategy, marketing, technology and data to increase your customer base, revenue and profit.

Contact US

Who We Are

You have great goals and groundbreaking business ideas? Wishing for its success is not going to make them become a reality magically, your strategy, structure and approach are what guarantees result. In other words, your business won’t rise to the level of your goals, it will rise to the level of your strategy & structure.

We are TheBusinessHQ (formerly EZAdvisory), we work with businesses, brands and startups to strategize and structure their ‘crazy ideas/goals AND work with their implementation team to make the ideas and goals a reality. 

  • We analyse the goals/idea and evaluate the possibilities of its reality in line with the resources you have. This sometimes needs some deep analysis/market research.

  • We design the implementation plan detailing what exactly should be done to achieve the goals / bring the ideas to life.

  • We handle the implementation alongside your team (even if you are the only one on your team).

  • We demand, track and scrutinize the result gotten time to time, to see whether we should continue the activity, stop it, or scale it up for more success.

How To Work With Us

Choose A Plan That Suits Your Business Right Now

We Hold A First Meeting To Address The Most Pressing Business Challenge
We Make A List Of Every Other Goal & Objective, Then Create A Timeline To Work On Them In Accordance To Your Selected Plan

We Serve Tech & Non Tech Companies Across

Financial Services & Fintechs  

Software As A Service 

Education & EdTech


Health & Health Tech

Agriculture & Agritech

Consumer Product & General Retail


Other Professional Services 

Fashion & Beauty

Business Services 

E-commerce Services

How We Can Help

Before Getting Started

Business Strategy & Planning
  • Market Research & Customer Insight

  • Business Plans & Financial Plan Design

  • Launching New Product  Service 

  • Planning Deeper Entry For Old Product

Business Registrations
  • Advisory on the right business structure

  • Business registrations in the desired country of business operations 

  • Support On Securing Licences & Accreditations



  • Brand Strategy Design 

  • Logo & Brand Identity Design

  • Total Business Branding 

  • Company Branding Policy Design 

Scaling Revenue



  • Technology Audit

  • Mapping Out Technology Usage Strategy

  • Automation Design For Business Tasks

  • Designs of New App, Website Or ERP Portals.



  • Go-To-Market For New Product/Service

  • Scaling Marketing For Existing Offers

  • Retention Marketing Strategy To Keep Existing Customers

  • Deploying Talents For Both Online & Offline Marketing

Sales, Closing & Partnership 
  • Designing Working Sales Systems

  • Leads Closing Strategy Design (B2B & B2C)

  • Partnership Strategy Design

  • Deploying Talents For The Sales Efforts

Scaling Operations & Dominance

Operations Structuring 
  • Business Process Design

  •  SOPs & Task Checklist

  • Customer Delivery Efficiency Optimization

  • Staff Efficiency

  • Designing a Balanced Score Card

  • Designing the PARC Model Structure 

Funding Strategy, Readiness & Sourcing
  • Designing the Best Funding Strategy

  • Designing Pitch Decks

  • Sourcing Investment Options

  •  Working On Funding Applications

Talent Efficiency 


  • Recruitment of Key Talents 

  • Designing A Learning & Development Strategy & Plan

  • Training Delivery & Capacity Development Masterclass Design 

  • Team Off-Site Design 

5500+ hours served in growth servicing for companies across the world helping our clients achieve


In Sales Performance


Reduction in Service Delivery


In Company Growth


In Engagement Satisfaction

5,500+ Hours served in growth servicing for companies across the world helping our clients achieve

In Sales Performance 


Reduction in service delivery


In company growth

200% +

In Engagement Satisfaction


Brands We Are Creating Impact For

Data collection

Total damage has been caused by the civilians arounf the new apple  store at Wall street.

Guaranteed ROI

Total damage has been caused by the civilians arounf the new apple  store at Wall street.

Always Online

Total damage has been caused by the civilians arounf the new apple  store at Wall street.

Brand We are Creating Impact For

6 Reasons Why You Should Engage Us Now

  1. We understand the digital economy and how to profit in it
  2. Our track record speaks, from our success story to our awards and more
  3. We see what you don’t, that’s both the good and the bad, and we help you manoeuvre situations around them
  4. We do this every day and are in tune with the latest global approach
  5. Entrepreneurs often bore the weight of strategic thinking all alone, we share the burden with you
  6. You win, we win! Your business grows, we grow, this is a partnership that works
Most business can’t leave their business for 1 week, for fear of things crumbling. Enough of you being held slaves to your business! We are your pathway to your freedom! Share the goal/ideas, and watch us map out how it will get accomplished with less involvement from you!

See Our Case Studies

view case studies

So, Let’s Get Started




None of our offerings for what you and your business is currently looking out for?

We Are Happy To Get Your Custom Brief & Work Out A More Tailored Support For Your Business. 

Send Us A Custom Brief

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Is This Our Business’ Best? 21 Questions To Help You Evaluate If Your Business Is Living To Its Potential

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8 Costly Mistakes That Makes New Businesses Fail + How To Avoid Them
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TheBusinessHQ’s 10 Ultimate Steps To Driving Business Growth In The New Normal

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How To Use Data To Drive Higher Revenue & Growth In Your Business: Step By Step Guide

Understand the place of data in growing your business profit. Figure out which area of your business to audit and what to look out for. Learn how to use your growth audit to increase business profit


TheBusinessHQ (formerly EZAdvisory) Business Growth Management Service has launched. We do all the work (from strategy to marketing and sales), you focus on serving customers and developing your product/operations. Curious to know if this would work for your business/startup?

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