Most people get it wrong that feedback collection is reserved only for multinational corporations
and governmental agencies, who usually set it up because it is required by the law. Most
businesses pay lip service to customer welfare only by celebrating the customer service week in
Feedback collection is a double way street, your customer gets to express themselves about the
interaction with your business, and you get first-hand information on the effectiveness of your
Customer feedback is the information provided by your customers about their satisfaction or
dissatisfaction with their experience with your brand, service, or product. Listening to the voice
of the consumer allows you to be quick to change in the business arena, and be able to stay
ahead of the competition.

1. You will be able to improve your product or service. Aftermarket research and introduction of
your product, you need to keep a constant eye on the acceptance level of your product over
time, feedback helps in this regard as it keeps you abreast of consumer opinion and answers
the question of whether your product still solves customer needs.

2. Feedback helps you gauge customer satisfaction; customer satisfaction relates to a lot of
company financial details. A high customer satisfaction grants you a high market share, which in
turn results in high revenue for the company. A simple customer satisfaction gauge of 0-10 is a
reliable metric that estimates consumer loyalty and retention to your brand which helps predict
the company’s future financials.

3. Feedback shows the customer you value their opinion, and include them in the business
process. customers will know that you are in business not only for the financial remuneration but
also for the welfare of your customers. Communicating with your customers through feedback
builds a relationship that keeps your customer loyal to you, as one of the co-builders of your
business, when they see their opinions molding your product.

4. Feedback helps create the best customer experience, satisfied customers with you and you
will be able to use your loyal customer reviews to market to other potential customers. Apple
and Nike have been able to build a reputable brand because their customer experience and
loyalty bring in more customers.

5. Feedback gives you data to help in making business decisions, basing business decisions on
guesses is no longer expedient in this highly digital and competitive world. Customer insights
will help you understand market direction and predict market changes. Your product
management will improve and be more responsive using customer feedback.

Method of Getting Feedback
1. Surveys
Surveys are one of the great ways to directly ask customers for information. Surveys are either
open-ended or close-ended. There are several questions you could ask your customers. Survey
forms are one the best ways to gain customer feedback, free survey services are provided by
SurveyKing, Qualtrics among others. For the best responses, your survey questions should;
Only ask questions that target your goals
Use open-ended questions
Avoid leading questions.

2. Feedback Boxes
A feedback form/ box is a reliable method to gather customer feedback, a feedback form is an
easily accessible tool customers can utilize to give feedback. Minor issues that your survey
question might overlook would be captured by a feedback form. You should constantly check
the feedback box and make sure every feedback gets a response within 24 hours. For bugs and
technical issues, make sure your engineers respond to the issue and advise the customer on
how to resolve the issue.

3. Social Media Feedback
Social media is one of the best ways to get prospects and customer feedback. Reaching out to
your followers to get feedback is a way to see the responses to your product. Monitoring your
brand name mentions gives you the ability to quickly react to customers’ needs and deliver
value, quickly resolve customers’ negative feedback and, also improve your overall content and
communications strategy. The issue with social media feedback is the bandwagon effect on
either positive or negative feedback, therefore you must always be responsive on your social
handles to respond to negative feedback.

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