Every business needs a business growth review to know the exact position of each aspect of their business

Know what is working?

Know what isn’t?

See the gap in your market, customers, or products.

At TheBusinessHQ (formerly EZAdvisory), we believe:

1.       There is no end to the growth a business can achieve.

2.       Growth doesn’t just happen, it’s through planning for it, removing the stumbling block to it, making constant optimisation to suit the market, customers and the changing business landscape.

3.       All the data your business needs for its next level of growth is already available. You just need to look in the right direction.


A business evaluation is a careful look into the key areas of your business that directly hold / break or makes the business grow.

Many business owners rely on their assumptions and head knowledge to figure out what to do to grow their business or increase their business revenue and profit. Most times, this keeps them in endless cycles of disappointment

With A Business Growth Review, You Can:

  1. Analyse your business result so far
  2. Realise and remove stumbling blocks to growth
  3. Reposition your business for more profit
  4. Know what it will take to achieve a growth target
  5. Know how much it will cost to achieve that target
  6. Stop leaving your business growth to chance or hope.

Who Needs a Business Growth Review

Those who this has helped:

  1. You want to grow the sales and profit of your current business
  2. You believe your business should be turning in more profit and sales but you don’t know what’s wrong
  3. You can not boldly say what’s responsible for the level of growth you currently have
  4. You are unsure of the next step to take to grow the sales and revenue of your business
  5. You need some verified backing on the growth strategy you are adopting for your business before investing your money
  6. You need to know if you should do that business rebranding
  7. You need to know if you should build the new website for your business
  8. You want to be one step ahead of your competition and own more market share but don’t know what will achieve that
  9. You will like to uncover the low hanging fruit that can turn in more money for your business
  10. You are looking for the best way to achieve your set business goals and objectives

Get Your Business Growth Review and Audited For $200 / N100,000.

When you pay for the business growth review and audit through the button below: 

  • We will process your payment and confirm it via an email. (If you pay online, this will be done automatically)
  • An agent will reach you to confirm a time to have a 90 minutes thorough business questioning session with you
  • We will request some other details we need to complete our audit and review process
  • We will turn back the result of the thorough review and audit in one week
  • We will turn back the result of the thorough review and audit in one week

Ready for growth?

Book a Review Call


Let’s save you countless hours, we have designed a Business Growth Review Workbook to guide your business review & analysis. 100+ spot on prompts that gets you reviewing all areas of growth of your business.

Choose which of the options you are choosing right now.

Business Strategy Evaluation Workbook

PRICE: $10, ₦5000, R150, £7

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Marketing Evaluation Workbook

PRICE: $10, ₦5000, R150, £7

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Sales Evaluation Workbook

PRICE: $10, ₦5000, R150, £7

Buy now
Business Structure Evaluation Workbook

PRICE: $10, ₦5000, R150, £7

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Technology Evaluation Workbook

PRICE: $10, ₦5000, R150, £7

buy now
Get all 5 Evaluation Workbooks for $35 instead of $50

PRICE – $35, N17,500, R 540, £25

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Success Stories

TheBusinessHQ (formerly EZAdvisory) template has helped me strategize our business process, and applying what we’ve learnt to the business gave us growth by reaching and convincing more clients to provide our event management services.


TheBusinessHQ (formerly EZAdvisory) has been beneficial to expanding our business, from the template to the clarity call, our business has gotten the best deals and more is bound to come. Its being great working with TheBusinessHQ 


Why you should not hesitate to evaluate your business for growth

Create a baseline value for your company to know where you stand in the marketplace. Know how far your company has come since its inception. When you measure this data, you can quantify it in a more meaningful way toward future growth.

A business evaluation helps establish a baseline value which enables you to create more informed financial goals, business strategies and marketing objectives. Annual business valuations allow you to understand your company’s potential for growth and innovation.

Assessments define a common vision for where you need to get to and what your current gap is. This would normally involve an evaluation of best practices and some benchmarking perhaps

A clear business evaluation will help to answer any concerns and show practical ways forward.

Getting valuable insights into shifts in the economy, competitors, ongoing market trends, demographics, etc will help you stay ahead of the game and open up your business for more profit, revenue and all-round  financial possibilities.

Through this evaluation process, you get a bird’s eye of the areas you should place more efforts on.

Free Resources

10 Business  To Check WhenYou Feel Your BusinessIsn’t Turning In Enough Revenue, Profit or Impact

Your business is capable of more! Let us show you 10 places to look as you resume the journey to increase the revenue, profit, growth and impact of your business.

Is This Our Business’ Best? 21 Questions To Help You Evaluate If Your Business Is Living To Its Potential

Your business is made for more, that’s what we believe. No matter the level of growth, there are bigger potential and opportunities, these 21 questions help you analyse that.

8 Costly Mistakes That Makes New Businesses Fail + How To Avoid Them
Having worked with a lot of businesses, we found out the 8 most common mistakes new businesses make that threaten their existence from the very early stage.
TheBusinessHQ’s 10 Ultimate Steps To Driving Business Growth In The New Normal

Looking for what has changed in terms of driving growth for your business especially in the new normal? Here is the Ebook for you.

TheBusinessHQ (formerly EZAdvisory) Business Growth Management Service has launched. We do all the work (from strategy to marketing and sales), you focus on serving customers and developing your product/operations. Curious to know if this would work for your business/startup?

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