1 – MONTH BUSINESS SCHOOL PROGRAM –  October 2023 Edition

An EZAdvisory Business Accelerator intense program. Hands-on intense program for entrepreneurs looking to evolve their already running businesses into bigger ventures.

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Is any of the below your goal in your business right now?

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In 4 weeks get strategic guidance and help for your business.

You need to make the best of the remaining part of 2023 for your business while preparing and creating success plans for 2023.

This is a form of retreat for business owners, top managers and business decision makers
Learn the framework that helps you analyze what worked so far
Clear strategic path to decide the next approach to use for the rest of the year
Step by step work through, putting innovative and strategic plans in place for a better business
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Here is a sneak peek of what you are about to learn


Starting right: This week welcomes you into the program. You will learn how to build the right business mindset, set up a proper business accounting, and set the right culture for your company.


Where you are- this week will answer the following questions: where is your business? What strategy are you using? How well is it working? These and more will be answered to reveal data needed for your business growth.


The Growth Plan Using the data of week 1, you will practically create a working strategy that will guide your business to greater scalability.


Get ready to raise funds- By the week your business strategy is ready to launch. But what is a good strategy without funds? Hence, you will be positioned to raise funds for your business from reliable sources.

You’ll learn from real-life case studies, interactive workshops, and hands-on training sessions that will give you the confidence and skills to make lasting change.

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October 03 – October 28


11 am to 1 pm daily(W.A.T) (Monday to Friday)


(Online, So you can join from any part of the world)

Think about your big dream for your business. Are you looking to hit $10,000 in revenue? $1M in Revenue? Or more. What changes do you need to make to your business to hit that in the shortest time? 

How many units of your product do you need to sell?
How long will it take you to sell on your current business approach?
What expansion do you need to do to be able to produce that much?
Will your current marketing and sales strategy help you achieve that?
Is there enough market for your product?
Do you have enough fund to recruit competent staff?
Or enough money to fund marketing and sales?
Or enough money to fund the heavy machines and ‘technology’ you need for that scale?

These are hard questions you will get answers to FOR YOUR BUSINESS as experts take you through each of these.

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Meet The Faculty

This bootcamp will be taught by top business leaders who have helped cumulatively transformed more than 10,000 businesses in the recent past.

Consulting and coaching is key to every business, many times you are busy with running your business, and don’t get to see the little cues your business is giving you. This is why consultants are highly sought after, they partner with you and almost determine the survival and growth of your business.

EZAdvisory consulting is $100 per hour. So, offering 2 hours consulting to businesses through this masterclass is a steal! Every business owner needs to grab this. “

Oluwamayowa Oshidero

Senior Consultant

” EZAdvisory’s guidance has been pivotal to our growth. The fact that they know the trends, they see it all and have a huge bank of data on their hands somewhat explains why their strategy and guidance are almost always spot on.

I have decided to focus on running my business while I simply partner with them to help me constantly evaluate my result, brainstorm strategic approaches for growth and then have them keep me accountable.

This masterclass is something every business should latch on, you are in safe and in fact, best hands. “

Chika Ezinma

Past Client

Six Reasons Why You Should Enrol On This

Structured Entrepreneurship Knowledge

Most business owners do not have structured entrepreneurial knowledge, and have so far built their business through trial and error. Now it’s time to get proper structured business growth knowledge.

This Is Not A Typical Course

As against typical business growth courses where you just come learn and take note (that you likely will not go back to) this program allows you to learn and implement it right away, through class exercise and assignments. 

Stellar Faculty

Our trainers and facilitators are top rated professionals who have been in contact with no less than 10,000 business communities, and with over 4 decades of combined experience. They are all ready to come with their passion and commitment to see your business grow. 

1 Extra Month Of Support

As a participant, you get 1 month of extra guidance, a dedicated accountability partner (that ensure you see your plans through)

Lifelong Access To The EZAdvisory Founders Community

Through our founders community, you will get access to a network of daring and audacious business owners like you.

Inspiration To Do Big Things

You might think you have a growing business, wait till you get into the program and see how others are ready for theirs, then get inspired.

Why you should book your seat?

All the sessions prepared above for you are a lot of value, we however won’t stop there, see other benefits that come with joining this masterclass.

  • Increase revenue
  • You will get access to our exclusive founders’ community for life
  • One-on-one business consult at a discount
  • Fund your business with ease
  • Network with like minds
  • Access to the recording of the program
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N35,000/$70 first and N30,000/$60 next
Total: N65,000 / $140

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N25,000/$50 first – N25,000/$50 next – N20,000/ $40 next
Total:N70,000 / $140

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Use the COUPON CODE: “earlyaction” to get 15% off the PAY IN FULL plan. Offer is valid till September 9th, 2023.

If you will prefer that an invoice is generated (instead of paying online), please still proceed to still click the button for your payment option, you would see an option to generate an invoice

The cost for the 4 weeks is N60,000/$120 if paid in full upfront, if you prefer to pay only for the week(s) you find most useful to your business, the cost per week is N20,000 / $40 per week

If you have more than 3 managers on your team coming into the program, please reach out to advisory@equilibriumzone.org for a group discount


Get to know us
We Are EZAdvisory

EZAdvisory is a business growth consulting company whose mission is to help startups, businesses and brands get 10x their PROFIT while cutting their service delivery time by 2.

We are one of the active pushers of data-driven business growth. We believe:

  1. If you get your first 1 customer, you can get the next 1,000 and then next 1 million
  2. Your business in itself has enough data to tell you what to do to scale it, it’s now a question of knowing what to look into
  3. Nothing is unachievable and knowing the best possible route is the handwork we want to do WITH you.

Brands we’ve worked with

Some Books And Resources Authored By EZAdvisory

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Who are the trainers and what is their expertise?

Our trainers were carefully selected to meet your needs.

How is the training delivered?


What is the cost of the training program?

N60,000 for one person, 100,000 for a company pack with 2 persons

Are there any discounts or special promotions available?

Early bird payment discount is 15% and ends on 16th April 2023.

Is the training customizable to meet the specific needs of my business?

Yes. You will be taught how to identify your unique needs and create a unique strategy to grow.

How long does the training take and what is the time commitment?

The training is for 4 weeks and will take place daily on week days. The time will be 11 am to 2pm.

Are there any prerequisites or requirements to participate in the training program?

Yes. You must desire and get ready to grow your business

You must be either a business owner, manager, senior executive, CEO, or a senior manager in a company with not less than 5 staff strengths.

You must be willing to participate

Is there any support or follow-up provided after the training is completed?

Yes. We are always available to support you.

  • In the first two weeks after the event, you will have access to a one-hour free consultation per week.
  • You will have access to our exclusive founders’ community.
  • You will have access to a long-term one-on-one service at a discount.

Are there any guarantees or refunds offered if I am not satisfied with the training?

There is no refund. You will gain a lot from the program.

Can the training be scaled to accommodate the needs of a larger team or organization?

Yes. If you want to add more persons, please send us email on advisory@equilibriumzone.org to secure seat at a great discount.

Is your question missing here?

Then send your questions to advisory@equilibriumzone.org or on WhatsApp: tel:+2349021668624

If you prefer a one-on-one consultation, talk to us here

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Business Owners Like You Have Booked Their Seat, What Are You Waiting For?

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TheBusinessHQ (formerly EZAdvisory) Business Growth Management Service has launched. We do all the work (from strategy to marketing and sales), you focus on serving customers and developing your product/operations. Curious to know if this would work for your business/startup?

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