Business Growth Bootcamp: Take A Pause, Review & Restrategize- 
August 21 – 25, 2023

A 5-Day Bootcamp to help you review the first half of the year for your business, interpret the ongoing changing business landscape, understand what opportunities are available (especially in the second half of the year), find crucial insights and then adjust your business for sustainability and profit.

Is your business?

  1. Badly affected by the policy changes in your country?
  2. A bit out of line with how you think the year will turn out?
  3. Still has a lot to do to hit the goals for the year?
  4. At a dead end and you have tried all possible, but there has been no tangible result so far through the year?
  5. Doing very good so far this year, but you are sure there is more

Do you remember COVID 19? Do you remember how the business that were most successful are those that quickly re-strategized? See some of them below

So, This Is The Time For You To Take A Pause, Let’s Review Things & Restrategize Your Business For Success

Timeline Of Event



  1. Welcome & Introduction: How The Bootcamp Is Planned + Everything You Should Know
  2. Tell Us About Your Year So Far: This is a session where every participant talks about the good, bad and the in-betweens, this is so that the good result can inspire some and the difficulties others face can be a point of motivation to know you are not alone.
  3. Where Does Things Stand: This is a session where you will learn how to make a map of where things stand for your business. Yes, your business might be affected by economic policies, but to what extent? This is where to figure if things aren’t as bad as you think, or if things are actually in a much more bad state than you think. This will lay the foundation for what you really want to do and the actions you want to take going forward. 


General Business Review: 

11 AM – 11:30AM WAT: Evaluating the business situation report worked on yesterday 

11:30AM -12:30PM WAT: Step by step analysis of your key business areas in a standard way: Marketing, Sales, Product Delivery etc. 

12:30PM – 1:00 PM: Questions and answers


Market Insight: Business makes money because it solves a problem, and the people that needs their problem solved are those who turn into your customer. On this day, we will have activities around

  • Understanding the market
  • What’s changing
  • What’s changing with your customers
  • What your customers / potential customers are needing right now
  • How your competitors are currently winning

This day’s activity is where you will have an hands-on activity around gathering enough data to know what you need to do next as a business owner. 


Strategy: This is the day where we put all the insight together, and start to create a new strategy to force out the growth of your business despite any country, economic or market conditions:

  1. Redesigning Marketing approach
  2. Creating a New Sales Strategy
  3. Creating a Model For New Pricing
  4. Settling on Which Business Operations Need To Be Adjustted 

There will also be a take-home activity.


How To Get It All Moving: 

Over the past 4 days, you have analysed where things stand with your business, you have reviewed all the key areas, and you have mapped out a plan. 

On this day, you will how to roll out all your new business growth plans, how to find out what might go wrong and plans to make ahead. 

There will be a bonus session to talk about how to maximize the rest of the year, the sales seasons you can tap into and strategies you can leverage. 



What Can $500+ In Freebies Do For Your Business? We have secured advert coupon and credits. When you register for the Bootcamp, you will get coupons and discounts to market your product and service through paid ads. EVERYONE who attends this boot camp will get this. 


August 21 – August 25


11am – 1pm daily


Zoom (online)

Six Resons Why You Should Be On This

Consider this as a retreat for you as a business owner
This is a time for you to detach a little from your business and look wholistically what you can do better
It’s a time to meet other business owners like you and get inspired
This is not a course, it’s a highly hands on bootcamp
The price has been made very affordable
Take this as your mid year business growth review





Book Your Seat Now

Use the COUPON CODE: “bgbaugust2023” to get 10% off. Offer is valid till August 5th, 2023.

If you will prefer that an invoice is generated (instead of paying online), please still proceed to still click the button for your payment option, you would see an option to generate an invoice.

What Can $500+ In Freebies Do For Your Business?

To help businesses that attend this ‘Business Growth Bootcamp’ navigate these trying times in their business, we have gone to secure coupons, discounts and freebies for all attendees. Join the 5-Day Business Bootcamp to strategize and reposition your business for growth. This includes:

  1. Online ads free coupon 
  2. Discount access to the tools for business growth 
  3. Discount on other follow-up service 

Join Day 1 For Free

Are you unsure about what you stand to gain in the bootcamp? Fill this form to join our business community and get access to the Day 1 for FREE.

Get to know us
We Are EZAdvisory

EZAdvisory is a business growth consulting company whose mission is to help startups, businesses and brands get 10x their PROFIT while cutting their service delivery time by 2.

We are one of the active pushers of data-driven business growth. We believe:

  1. If you get your first 1 customer, you can get the next 1,000 and then next 1 million
  2. Your business in itself has enough data to tell you what to do to scale it, it’s now a question of knowing what to look into
  3. Nothing is unachievable and knowing the best possible route is the handwork we want to do WITH you.

Brands we’ve worked with

Some Books And Resources Authored By EZAdvisory

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