Until you have mastered the art of selling, every time you go out to introduce and sell your product to people, it is always a battle.

[Name], since you have a product or service you sell, meeting people to introduce your business to is a must. Only a sales funnel that is full, can generate continuous sales.

Today, I want to give you tips to help in approaching potential customers.

·         Before Approach

Research: After getting your list of potential customers, the next step is to research your prospects, know what they do and how your product can be of value to them. The best places where you can conduct detailed research are: LinkedIn, the company’s website, competitor research, blogs and other avenues where an advisory service like ours, comes in.

Grooming: An inexperienced salesperson may ask, does looks matter? For salespersons, grooming is an indispensable tool in your sales approach. Grooming gives a professional look on your person. Be hygienic, dress neatly and dress according to the codes of the organisation you are going. Wear a smile and be confident.

Rehearse: A silver bullet to speech mistakes and errors is rehearsal, rehearsing increases your confidence. You will be so familiar with your notes that whatever the nerves you get you could not forget the words.

·         Approach

Interaction:  During interaction, you introduce yourself to the prospect, simply introduce your product. While leading the prospect to talk.

Conversation: Here, you listen to the prospect about his/her needs while picking the pain point and thinking about how your product will help the prospect.  Pain points is the opportunity for you to be able to reach and convince the customer of the necessity of your product.

Explanation: This is where you respond to the client’s concerns and sell your products, especially how your product will solve the customers problem. Here you speak/demonstrate about the value points of your products, the uniqueness of your product to competitors’ own, if any. Here, you also brag about the length of time you’ve been in business, and drop names of your customers that are renowned.

Closing: After this you try to close the customer based on your view on the level of the client. Some clients will require you schedule another appointment for a visit before you close them.

There are different types of closing techniques, these are:

Trial close: you ask questions such as, “What do you think about the product?”

Soft close: you ask questions such as, “What would you like to do?”, “Do you want to continue with this?”

Hard close: you ask questions such as, “Are you ready to move forward?”

·         After Approach

Keep the Relationship going as people only buy from friends, if they think you have their interest at heart, they will purchase from you. This will also make retargeting easy, because whenever they need/ know who needs your product they will be sure to buy from /introduce you.

Want an expert review of your business, and take your business to the next level? Call +2347012140254. Mail: advisory@equilibrumzone.org

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