Running the next ad is not all there is to running a successful marketing campaign. In fact, running the ad is just a tiny part of all it takes to run a successful marketing campaign. 

If we had $1,000 to run a paid advertising, we would probably spend a whopping $600 on other things that will help the campaign be successful, then spend just $400 as the actual dollars we put into the ad platforms. 

So here are things we find out that make a successful marketing campaign. 

  1. Sorting The Business Side Of Things
    This is what most people neglect. Your big Google ads or Facebook ads budget won’t save you from a terrible business strategy. Do you know who your customers are, do you have the right business model? Do your customers need your product/ service, are there enough people who actually need that product or service.

    Think about an advert you constantly see on YouTube, but you absolutely do not need, the number of times you see the ad won’t change the fact that you don’t need and won’t buy what you don’t need.

    Of course in some advanced cases, this might be a strategy to drive brand awareness and brand prominence, but overall, the same rule works.


  2. Pushing Marketing Message Where Your Ideal Customers Are
    Rather than being bent on using one type of platform to deploy your marketing, you need to carefully analyze and find out where your real targets are.
    This single factor is the reason why influencers marketing in some cases might work better than paid marketing if your ideal customers are already engaged with the influencer.
  3. A Well Thought Out Marketing Funnel
    Marketing funnels have become increasingly effective when running online campaigns. Expecting that customers will buy your product or service with just a direct advert of the product, is like walking on the street and you saw some random man bump into your front telling you to buy a product he is selling.

    In some cases, he might be lucky if you need the product at that time and you feel like you can trust him, but if not, he just wasted his time.

    Good marketing campaigns are not planned around chance. Sales funnel helps you get your customers to know you, like you, and then trust you to serve their needs, all this through a careful journey you will take them through.

  4. Thumbstopping Creative
    Even with a good business strategy and offering, using the right platforms where your customers are, super good marketing funnel, without the right creatives, not so much will happen.

    You remember the last time you saw a magazine with a very very catchy cover that drew you to pick, open and read, that’s the power of your creatives. Without a good creative, your prospect won’t even experience all the heavy work you have put in.
    Videos, designs, etc.

  5. Testing A Lot & Optimizing With Data
    The best campaign plan strategy and marketing advertising are still at their best guess! What you thought would be accepted might eventually not be. The campaign you thought will bring in the most results might perform the least. So, what is that one that performed the least was the only one you actually ran? My guess is you will assume that’s the best result you can get.

    You need to test different creatives, different funnels, different product showcase angles, different copies, different audience targeting, different campaign channels, and more.

    Most importantly look closely into the data of each and making fast and swift changes.

We have created a 10 step guide to growth, find it here.

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